Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook (2019-2020) - Minor
University of Utah, School of Computing

Minor in Computer Science

A minor in computer science teaches a student about the fundamentals of discrete mathematics, programming, and software engineering.


All students pursuing a minor in CS must complete the pre-minor requirements (Math 1210, CS 1410, CS 2420), be accepted into the minor, and then complete the three required courses, including CS 2100, CS 3500, and (CS 3505 or CS 3810).

The following worksheet shows the same information in a condensed form:

Important Notes:

  • CS 2100, CS 3500, and CS 3505/3810 must be taken from the University of Utah.

  • It is highly recommended that the pre-minor courses are taken at the University of Utah.

  • For CS minors who have already taken Math 2200, the SoC will waive the CS 2100 requirement, but such students must take an additional upper-division CS course. See the Undergraduate Advisors or Director for suggested alternatives.