BSSD Undergraduate Handbook (2024-2025) - Capstone
University of Utah, School of Computing

Capstone Experience

Every student must complete a two-semester capstone requirement.

Students should enroll in the capstone sequence during their final year of study.

Senior Project

Small teams of students develop significant software systems using sound, disciplined software engineering practices. Computer Science and Software Development students will do so in CS 4000 - Senior Capstone Design and CS 4500 - Senior Capstone Project. Data Science students will be integrated with these teams to add advanced data science components to these projects using state-of-the-art techniques, in DS 4800 - Senior Capstone Design and DS 4850 - Senior Capstone Project.

Students should have four or fewer SD electives/required courses left when signing up for this course and should be graduating during the following semester. Further, they should have already completed their advance writing course. For more information on the prerequisites see the course catalog description for CS 4000 or for DS 4800

Honors Thesis Work

Please see the director of undergraduate studies to discuss the possibility of honors thesis work for your SD capstone.